Prof. Stephanos I. Delicostopoulos

Prof. Lambros D. Sinaniotis

Dr. Ioannis S. Delicostopoulos

Dr. Constantine S. Delicostopoulos

Charikleia (Claire) L.

George Kopakakis

Danae Varvadaki

Dr. Constantine S. Delicostopoulos, born in Athens, Greece (1972).

Admitted to practice: Athens (1996), Paris (1999).

Assistant Professor of Law (Maître de conferences) at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (2003, currently on leave of absence).
Education: LLB 1993, London School of Economics
      LLB 1994 LLM 1995 PhD 2000, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas
                  Researcher Graduate Program 2000, Harvard Law School

Languages: English, French, German (basic).


  1. Droit processuel, Droit commun et droit comparé du procès, 3rd edition, Dalloz 2005 (with S. Guinchard, M. Bandrac, I. Delicostopoulos, F. Ferrand, X. Lagarde et al.).
  2. L’encadrement processuel des autorités de marché en droits français et communautaire (Contentieux de la concurrence et de la bourse), LGDJ 2002.
  3. « La fonction juridictionnelle revisitée », Droit et procédures, n° 1/2003, p. 10 ; Zeitschrift für ZivilProzess International (ZZPInt), 8 Band 2003, p. 97 (with I. Delicostopoulos).
  4. « Liberalisation of the Greek electricity sector following EU Directive 96/92”, Oil and Gas Law and Taxation Review, 1999/1, p. 20 (with G. Karydis).
  5. « A Europe of the people and the judges : the determining sources of power in the European Community », Eurodiki 1992/9, p. 73.
  6.  « Is re-ratification of the Maastricht Treaty necessary?», To Vima (Sunday newspaper), 14.3.1993.
  7. « Changes in the balance of power in the European Community », To Vima, 20.9.1992.
  8. « The legality of the Greek boycott of Italian and Dutch products : the european perspective », To Vima, 15.3.1992.
© 2006 Delicostopoulos - Sinaniotis